Stay Organized and Archive your Old Surveys

Over time, you may have many old surveys in your account that are no longer in use, cluttering your survey overview and getting mixed up with more important live surveys.

We are happy to announce that you can now archive your old surveys instead of deleting them.

You can archive your survey from the survey overview. Archived surveys can be restored at any time or be permanently deleted when required.

Archived Survey Label
Quick Switch Menu

When a survey is archived, it will be moved into the “Archived” label and no longer be shown in the drop-down menu.

Organize your Online Surveys with Labels

We have just launched the ability for you to organize your surveys into categories using labels. Like “folders”, this lets you group your surveys into different categories, allowing you to tidy up your workspace, in case that you have many different surveys.

Unlike working with folders, you can assign multiple labels to one single survey. For example, you may want to label your “template” surveys with the “Template” label but also with the “Work” label. This makes it even easier to find the survey you are looking for. You can create as many labels as you need.

We think this is a really flexible way for you to organize your surveys and hope you find it as useful as we do!

For more information on survey labels, see here: How to organize your online surveys with labels