Account-Wide Webhooks

A while ago, we launched the ability for you to receive survey event notifications, such as receiving a new survey response, using Webhooks via our API.

We have just launched an update called Global Webhooks. These are Webhooks that can be created on an “account level”, meaning that all your surveys will be triggering the same set of webhooks automatically.

You can view the documentation here: Global Webhooks Documentation

This is great for when you would like to always receive notifications from all of your current and future surveys, without having to remember to create a Webhook every time.

If you have some feedback or would like to be notified when we make more updates to Webhooks, please let us know!

Accessibility Updates for your Online Surveys

We want your surveys to be as inclusive as possible and that is why we have recently launched some updates to make your surveys more accessible for participants who may have disabilities and may require third-party screen readers or rely heavily on keyboard navigation.

By reviewing the structure of our surveys and improving the underlying HTML tags following the WAI-ARIA specification, we have made dramatic improvements to the way screen readers interact with the survey content. We also reviewed how accessible each question type was when being answered by only using the keyboard.

Click on the screen recording below to see a survey which was controlled only with the keyboard:

Participation using only keyboard

It is possible to fully participate in our survey only using the keyboard. Every item is read aloud by screen readers, allowing people with impaired vision to complete it as well.

We are always looking for ways to improve the accessibility of our online surveys. If you, or your participants, have any feedback, or have faced some problems related to accessibility, then please let us know.

Track your Survey with Google Analytics

We are happy to announce that you can now add your own Google Analytics Tracking ID to your survey. This is a great way for you to gain further insights about your survey and participants.

Google Analytics Setting

Simply add your Tracking ID and we will then include the relevant scripts in your live survey for you.

If you have some feedback or have some other analytics integrations which you would like to see in the tool, please let us know!

Add Survey Language to your Survey Links

When you create your survey in multiple languages, a language selection page will be shown at the start of your survey. If you wanted to make a specific link always show a specific language, then you would have to set this in the link settings. You could then create multiple collectors, one per language.

We just launched a new update that makes this a little more flexible. Under your survey link, you will find a list of “Direct Language Links”.

Direct Language Links in Collector Settings

These are the same as your survey link, except that they have a language code already appended to the URL. Anyone who visits a direct language link will be shown the relevant language directly. This means that you do not have to create one collector per language if you do not need to anyway.

We are always looking to make the tool more flexible. If you have some feedback about this or something else, then we would love to hear from you!