Get Survey Event Notifications via Webhooks

We are happy to announce that you can now create “Webhooks” via our API, to get notified when certain events happen in your online survey, such as receiving a new survey response.

You will be able to manage your Webhooks yourself and can create as many as you need for your application. To get you started as quickly as possible, we have fully documented everything for you.

You can view the documentation here: SurveyHero Webhooks Documentation

Right now, you can be programmatically notified about new survey responses in real-time. We will be adding more events over time. If you would like to be notified about other survey events via Webhooks then please get in touch!

Create Online Surveys in Right-To-Left Languages

We have just launched an update to the tool that enables support for “right-to-left” (RTL) languages such as Arabic, Hebrew, Urdu, etc.

In your multilingual surveys, the design and layout of your questionnaire will automatically adapt to suit the language that your participant selects.

RTL Language

Everything from the scrollbar to the content will be positioned correctly. Entering answers into inputs will also be from right to left, just like RTL speaking participants are used to.

We think this is a great addition to the tool and helps us with our goal of making your surveys accessible to as many people as possible.