Pin Answer Options to Top or Bottom of Question

You can now “pin” an answer option or a table row to the beginning or the end of the list. This is especially useful when you have applied a sorting order such as “random” to your question, but want a specific option to stay at the top or bottom.

Example of a pinned choice on a multiple-choice question
Example of a pinned choice on a multiple-choice question

When a choice is “pinned”, it will not be included in the applied sorting order. It will always stay in the same position. You will be able to pin choices/rows on many question types including Drop-Down lists, Multiple Choice Tables, and more. How it works is explained here: Answer Pinning

It is small features like this that help make the tool better, and best of all, it was added due to great feedback from our users. If you have some feedback of your own, please let us know!

Change Default Values of your Exported Survey Responses

We have just launched an update that will allow you to change the default values in your exported survey responses. For example, by default, if a user selected answer “Yes”, you will find “Yes” in the Excel export. This update will allow you to override the exported value for closed question types. For example, you can override “Yes” to become “1” and “No” to become “0”, etc.

This allows you to format your exported data exactly how you need it. You can set up your custom export values even before you have collected any responses, meaning, when the responses do start to come in, your exported values are already the way you need them.

We are happy to include this feature for you and think it is yet another great step forward in allowing you to customize SurveyHero to suit your needs.

New Drag and Drop “Ranking” Question

We are happy to announce that we have another question type for you. The “Ranking” question allows your participants to order a list of choices by priority, opinion, etc., using drag and drop.

When a participant drops a choice into the right-side container, it will automatically be “ranked” by number.

Ranking Question

In your survey results, you will find detailed information about the ranking. The question’s items will be ordered by overall rank as well as show their distribution (how many times first, second, etc.).

Ranking Table

We are happy to include this question type in the tool for you and hope you find it to be a useful addition to your online survey.