You can now limit the number of choices a participant can select in a multiple choice question. You can define both minimum and/or maximum amount of allowed choices.
A common example is when you have a question with many choices, but you would only like each participant to select a maximum of 3 answers.
This new feature has a few variations you can apply to your multiple choice question. See below for some example use cases:
- Force the participant to select at least 2 choices (with no maximum set).
- Limit the maximum number of choices selected to be 4 (with no minimum set).
- Use a combination of min. and max. and force at least 2 but no more than 4 choices.
- Set both min. and max. to 3 choices. This will force exactly 3 choices.
You can find more information about how to limit the number of choices here: Limit Number of Selections